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Erythritol - Sweetener Natural Keto Diet Baking Sugar Replacement


Erythritol is an artificial sweetener commonly used in low-sugar and sugar-free foods.

It is designed to replace sugar and calories to create “diet-friendly” results.

Item Number: SR066

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Erythritol is a sugar alcohol used as a low-calorie sweetener. It’s found in sugar-free or no-sugar-added ice creams, baked goods, candy and gum, among others, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

Erythritol occurs naturally in foods such as grapes, mushrooms, pears and watermelon, per the International Food Information Council (IFIC).


  • Prevent the Teeth Decay
  • Prevent the Diabetes
  • Reduce Obesity
  • Treat Digestive Problem
  • Anti-Aging
  • Combat the Free Radicals
  • Frendly Diet Sweetener
  • Scavenge the Hydroxyl Radicals
  • Potential Endothelial Protecting Agent

Some Application

Health care products, health nutrition, infant food, solid drink, dairy products, convenient food, puffed food, seasoning, medium and old food, baked food, leisure food, cold food, and the cold drink, etc


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Xi’an SR Bio-Engineering Co., Ltd

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